
Friday, March 25, 2022

‘Father’s Day’


The sun’s ray shines bright on your Feast Day,

Holy Alban, and the isle of Britain

Also shines brightly after your radiant

Martyrdom.  The sacrifice of your life

For the Lord Jesus Christ caused Orthodox

Churches to spring up in your native land

And in Europe, too, and your name is now

Known in all parts of the world.  Nonetheless,

By the raging flames of cacodoxy

And unbelief, we burn down that which

Your suffering had built up, and shroud

And obscure the Light you brought to man.


Though we grieve you in many ways,

Holy Alban, never repent of your

Sanctifying death on Britain’s isle,

But lead us back to Holmhurst Hill,

To the holy well that began flowing

By your prayer to God, and bathe us

As a father would his child who had fallen

Into a slough of mud, with love and patience,

Restoring the beauty you had bestown

On us by your glorious death,

Our baptism in your martyr’s blood.


To read the life of St Alban, the First Martyr of Britain:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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