
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Offsite Post: ‘Armenia’s Advice for the South’


Glory to God Who helps us in many and varied ways!

A writer from Armenia has described the problems of his native land and how she can begin to solve them.  Without knowing it, however, he is speaking to us here at the South as well.  Here is the relevant portion of his essay:


 . . . A nation that once defeated the Roman empire and competed with the British East India company, has now been sunk into deep apathy and utter hopelessness after the 2020 Turkish-Azeri aggression against Armenia and Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).


It is now clear that the loss of the beautiful capital Ani and the fall of the Bagratuni (Bagratid) kingdom a millennia ago, in 1045, played a major role in developing that “saviour-messiah” syndrome within the Armenian nation.


First, losing the independent kingdom, then losing ministries – then the political elite of the Armenians, the nation started looking for a solution to its problems outside of itself.


Notable Armenians of the late Middle Ages would go to this or that European royal palaces seeking for military help from a “saviour-messiah” foreign ruler who would come to the Armenian Highlands and fight the oppressors – the notorious Ottoman Empire.


It did not take the nation to anywhere good and it was not until 1918 when the Armenian nation, surviving the first major genocide of the 20th century, teamed up and regained its independence.


The very 1918 events, which are called May heroics, are an excellent vindication of an adamant success: once a nation relies on itself, succeeds – this is a political axiom that the majority of Armenians seem to have forgotten now.


On a political level, most Armenians are now longing for a “saviour-messiah” who will come and save the country from collapse.


The most common excuse is “I do not trust this guy, that guy, this initiative, that movement” which is fatal and sucks the energy of the nation from within.


There is no magic stick in politics, rather the latter loves everyday hard work. A nation becomes independent, keeps its independence and sovereignty once its people self-determine and self organise – they believe in themselves and their collective power.


1918 was one example, 1990s – the first Artsakh War, is another example.


In business terms, it is like you pitch your right to self-determination, sovereignty, independence and prosperity to the others in the global business club.


If you show consistency, strong team-up record and “rely-only-on-yourself” philosophy, you are then accepted into the global club.


This new 2022 is full of challenges but offers tons of opportunities for the global Armenian nation to stage a remarkable comeback and strengthen its place in the aforementioned club.


Armenians’ forefather Hayk did install that mentality of independence, self-determination, and sovereignty into the Armenian people several millennia ago.


Now is the perfect time to show forefather Hayk that the nation has learnt the lesson.


Armenians, stop bringing up excuses for not working hard for the homeland and the nation.


No outsider is going to work for Armenia unless Armenians work first and hard.


Armenians, stop searching for a saviour-messiah, team up and work hard instead!

The South, like Armenia, was once a land renowned for her leadership in various fields in the united States, but after a devastating war and various reconstructions and reeducations, she has grown weak and timid and looks for help and deliverance from outside herself – to a President, to the federal Supreme Court, to the ‘star power’ of a celebrity, and so on.

But as Mr Ayvazyan says in his essay, that is not the proper place to look.  Southrons, like the Armenians, must look within for answers to our problems.  This will be more difficult for us than in the past.  Before, we had a class of Christian country gentlemen and ladies who could give us good leadership.  Today, what is left of them is too busy jostling for a seat at the Great Barbeque put on by the powerful in Washington City, Los Angeles, and other political and cultural centers dominated by globalists/Yankees.

More than ever, the plain folk of the South must band together, cultivate new leaders from amongst themselves, and ‘work hard for the homeland’.  But isn’t this just what Jefferson and his disciples told us to do?  Dr Clyde Wilson writes,

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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