Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘Yankee Cain and Southern Seth’


Southerners have often been mocked for their agrarian simplicity by Yankee-minded folks.  We know the insults well by now:  hicks, hillbillies, rednecks, and so on.  But Dixie should not be ashamed of this.  We ought rather to delight and exult in it.

Richard Weaver gives us good ground for doing so in his contrast of the Northern/Yankee and Southern types:

“Nowhere has the Northern mind more clearly embraced the Faustian concept than in the idea of progress. There is the constant out-reaching, the denial of limits, the willingness to dissolve all into endless instrumental activity, to which even some American philosophers have supplied theoretical support. Hence the incessant urge to be doing, to be transforming, to effect some external change between yesterday and today. The mood of the Americans, another French critic of a century ago remarked, is that of an army on the march. The language of conquest fills the air. They will ‘master nature’; they will ‘attack problems’; they will ‘control energy’; they will ‘overcome space and time.’ The endlessness of progress in these terms is the most generally accepted dogma. And thus enchanted by the concept of an infinite expansion, they reject the classical philosophy as too constricting.

“The Southerner, to sum up the contrast, has tended to live in the finite, balanced, and proportional world which Classical man conceived. In Cicero and Horace he has found congenial counsellors about human life. The idea of stasis is not abhorrent to him, because it affords a ground for the identity of things. Life is not simply a linear progression, but a drama, with rise and fall. Happiness may exist as much in contemplation as in activity. Experience alone is not good; it has to be accompanied by the human commentary. From this, I believe, has come the South’s great fertility in myth and anecdote. It is not so much a sleeping South as a dreaming one, and out of dreams come creations that affect the imagination” (“The South and the American Union”).

It is a fine historical, philosophical analysis, but the Christian South must go beyond these for justification of her way of life.  Wendell Berry is helpful in this respect.  Essays like the “The Gift of Good Land” provide a Biblical grounding for a life of restraint, of proper limits to human striving.  But Mr. Berry is mostly concerned with men and women being good stewards of the creation.  This is by no means unimportant, yet it nevertheless prevents him from fully developing a theological understanding of the Yankee and Southern types.

There is a man who can help us in this, however:  an exceptional teacher of the Holy Scriptures, Fr. Athanasios Mitilianaios, an Orthodox priest who fell asleep in the Lord in 2006.  In his exposition of verses from both Genesis and Revelation, he shows with remarkable clarity the two essential types of mankind to which the North and the South correspond.

In his sermon on Revelation 9:1-12 (an overview of which may be viewed here; all quotes from Fr. Athanosios are via that presentation), in which he describes the meaning of the terrifying locusts, he says,

“Do you know that a man who has no faith in God is terrified of the universe?  . . .  Man is afraid of earthquakes, hurricanes, and thunderstorms, elements which have really lost their balance and rhythm in these last decades, and which create an impression of a dangerous and unfriendly universe for today’s troubled man.  All of things torment, in the manner of locusts—as the text says—the man who has lost the purpose of his existence, the man who has lost his faith or belief in God.  Thus, the locusts of fury are already terribly tormenting today’s man.”

Fallen man, man separated from God, therefore, seeks out consolation for himself, something to take his mind off the foreboding world around him.  And he finds it in the unceasing development of advanced, technological civilization:

“It is not by mere coincidence that Cain and his descendants originally developed civilization. Cain and his four children created civilization. According to Hebraic tradition, his daughter invented the spinning wheel, using wool to make threads and clothing. From this it becomes obvious that the generations of Cain, and this is a very subtle detail, were primarily preoccupied with the development of civilization… God had cursed Cain, so he needed to develop something to lighten the burden of that curse. Thus, man became preoccupied with the elements of civilization because the purpose of civilization is to introduce consolation in man’s life.”

Here is the basic outline of one type of man – the type of Cain, which corresponds to Yankee man.  But what of the second type?

“In contrast, the descendants of Seth, who was born to serve as a replacement for Abel who had been killed by Cain, focused on the worship of God and the simplicity of life. To Seth also a son was born, and he called his name Enosh. At that time men began to call upon the name of the Lord (Genesis 4:26). He trusted in the Lord. So Enoch, or Enosh (Enos in the Septuagint), trusted and hoped in the name of the Lord and God.”

The second type is Seth, satisfied with simple living and worshipping God.  This corresponds to Dixie’s folk.

Fr. Athanasios expands on these two types.  Of Cain’s type, he notes further:

 . . .

The rest is at https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/yankee-cain-and-southern-seth/.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, November 15, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘Louisiana Freedom Caucus Needs a Little More Muscle in Easter Defense’


The Louisiana Freedom Caucus’s response to the Biden administration’s desecration of Easter Sunday is a disappointment.  On the positive side, there is a rousing denunciation of the Biden proclamation of the Transgender Day of Visibility:


 . . . we find it abhorrent that the Biden Administration would select the holiest day of the Christian year—Easter—to proclaim a day of commemoration for something else. As believers, we find it as an affront to our sacred tradition of worshiping our resurrected Lord that the Biden Administration would co-mingle Easter with another event entirely.

But it also veers off into the morass of relativism:


After almost 250 years as a republic and as the lighthouse for freedom around world, the United States has grown into a mosaic of faiths where all are protected and all should be respected and treated equally under the law. Certainly, people of the Christian tradition are a majority in this country, but our very ethos mandates we accept people of other faiths to live and practice in peace and without governmental interference. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Bahai’s, Zoroastrians and so many others have the same rights as Christians in this country. And so do people who have no faith traditions. Agnostics, Atheists, Deists and others have the right to practice, or not to practice, but most importantly, to be left alone to do as their conscience and tradition dictates.

This is one of the major downsides to life in the United States, this naïve view of human society, that people of any and all religions can coexist peacefully together if they ‘love freedom’ or some such thing as that.  Let us look at some of the aspects of the religious faiths mentioned above to demonstrate the falsity of this idea.

Hinduism, if lived consistently here in the States, would produce the following:

-A rigid caste system;

-The honoring of a god of destruction, Shiva;

-Self-immolation of widows (Sati Pratha); and

-The acceptance of LGBT rights.

Islam, if lived consistently, would beget

-Sharia law;

-Subjugation of Christians and Jews;

-The denial that Jesus Christ is the Son of God;

-Marriage of children to adults;

-Barbaric criminal punishments;

-Violent war against people adhering to faiths outside of the House of Islam; and


In Zoroastrianism, we find the belief that evil is either co-eternal with good, or is the child of the supreme god.

And while it is not mentioned, religious freedom as defined above also implies that satanism must be fully respected also, with its literal sacrament of abortion, etc.

All of this is inconsistent (to say it mildly) with the inheritance of the States from western Europe – Christianity, English common law, the laws of Emperor St. Justinian, etc.  . . .

The rest is at https://thehayride.com/2024/04/garlington-louisiana-freedom-caucus-needs-a-little-more-muscle-in-easter-defense/.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘Saint Benedict’


Brilliant star in the Western sky,

Herald of a calmer, Christian age –

Absorbing Anthony, absorbing Moses,

You conveyed the spiritual riches

Of the Desert Fathers

To poor pagan peoples

Through your well-wrought rule,

Raised up houses of holiness

Amongst the idol-plagued,

Bequeathed peace and order

To war-beleaguered nations –

 . . .

The rest is at https://www.reckonin.com/walt-garlington/saint-benedict.


For more about the wonderful St Benedict of Nursia:



Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, November 8, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘Escaping the LGBT Briar Patch’


The Biden regime’s declaration of Easter Sunday as the Transgender Day of Visibility has outraged a multitude of people.  It is rather long and florid in contrast to the short and perfunctory edict written in honor of Easter.  In the former, the regime encourages the perpetuation of the trans epidemic in the States:


Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation.  Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive.  They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.  . . .  Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans:  You are loved.  You are heard.  You are understood.  You belong.  You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back.

If the people in the Biden regime really cared about trans-inclined people, they would not be telling them to embrace this disordered passion of theirs, but to quell it, to overcome it, to conquer it.  There is a wonderful saint of the Orthodox Church to whom they (the LGBT folks) can turn for inspiration and help in that effort:  St. Mary of Egypt (+6th century, celebrated 1 April and on the Fifth Sunday of Lent).

The story begins when a monk advanced in the spiritual life, Elder Zosimas, because of his prideful thoughts over his progress, was told by an angel to go to the Jordan River in order to learn humility:


Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Zosimas, you have struggled valiantly, as far as this is in the power of man. However, there is no one who is righteous (Rom 3:10). So that you may know how many other ways lead to salvation, leave your native land, like Abraham from the house of his father (Gen 12:1), and go to the monastery by the Jordan.”

One year, as he went into the Jordanian wilderness along with the rest of the monks for their Lenten endeavors, he encountered St. Mary:


He walked into the wilderness for twenty days and then, when he sang the Psalms of the Sixth Hour and made the usual prayers. Suddenly, to the right of the hill where he stood, he saw a human form. He was afraid, thinking that it might be a demonic apparition. Then he guarded himself with the Sign of the Cross, which removed his fear. He turned to the right and saw a form walking southward. The body was black from the blazing sunlight, and the faded short hair was white like a sheep’s fleece.

Her clairvoyance revealed to St. Zosimas that she was greatly blessed by God:  ‘“O Mother! It is clear that you live with God and are dead to this world. You have called me by name and recognized me as a priest, though you have never seen me before.  . . .”’

Likewise, her miraculous manner of praying:


“ . . . fulfill my unworthy request, Mother, and pray for the whole world and for me a sinner, that my wanderings in the desert may not be useless.”


The holy ascetic replied, “You, Abba Zosimas, as a priest, ought to pray for me and for all, for you are called to do this. However, since we must be obedient, I will do as you ask.”


The saint turned toward the East, and raising her eyes to heaven and stretching out her hands, she began to pray in a whisper. She prayed so softly that Abba Zosimas could not hear her words. After a long time, the Elder looked up and saw her standing in the air more than a foot above the ground. Seeing this, Zosimas threw himself down on the ground, weeping and repeating, “Lord, have mercy!”

He begged her to tell him about her life.  Despite her hesitation, St. Mary obeyed his request.  It is here that LGBT people should pay special heed, for St. Mary reveals how those with passions that mercilessly control them can be conquered, how their lives can be transformed into something entirely beautiful and pleasing to God:


She replied, “It distresses me, Father, to speak to you about my shameless life. When you hear my story, you might flee from me, as if from a poisonous snake. But I shall tell you everything, Father, concealing nothing. However, I exhort you, cease not to pray for me a sinner, that I may find mercy on the Day of Judgment.


“I was born in Egypt and when I was twelve years old, I left my parents and went to Alexandria. There I lost my chastity and gave myself to unrestrained and insatiable sensuality. For more than seventeen years I lived like that and I did it all for free. Do not think that I refused the money because I was rich. I lived in poverty and worked at spinning flax. To me, life consisted in the satisfaction of my fleshly lust.


“One summer I saw a crowd of people from Libya and Egypt heading toward the sea. They were on their way to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. I also wanted to sail with them. Since I had no food or money, I offered my body in payment for my passage. And so I embarked on the ship.


“Now, Father, believe me, I am very amazed, that the sea tolerated my wantonness and fornication, that the earth did not open up its mouth and take me down alive into hell, because I had ensnared so many souls. I think that God was seeking my repentance. He did not desire the death of a sinner, but awaited my conversion.


“So I arrived in Jerusalem and spent all the days before the Feast living the same sort of life, and maybe even worse.

There in Jerusalem St. Mary’s life made a dramatic turn, thanks to another Holy Saint Whose life has been getting attention from The Spectacle podcast lately – the Ever-Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

 . . .

The rest is at https://thehayride.com/2024/04/garlington-escaping-the-lgbt-briar-patch-an-orthodox-view/.


Thanks to the folks at the Reckonin’ site for posting the essay about St Alfred the Great and his role as Dixie’s patron saint:



Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!