Friday, March 7, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘Conservative Virtue Signaling over Frederick Douglass Is a Big Mistake’


Louisiana’s Superintendent of Education Dr Cade Brumley stirred up a bit of a tempest by recommending Prager U resources to Louisiana’s teachers as supplemental teaching material.  Encouraging teachers to use material outside the monopolistic, Left-leaning textbook racket is a good idea, and should be expanded, but Prager U should come with some warning signs for those who care about the faithful presentation of history.

The two Prager U videos about Frederick Douglass that Scott McKay included in his story are good examples.  The videos portray Mr Douglass as a peace-loving, non-violent abolitionist content with incremental efforts to end slavery within the established constitutional system.  More specifically, they imply that he is the opposite of folks like the George Floyd protesters, who sated themselves with murder, arson, and looting in 2020.  This is not historically accurate; Mr Douglass’s words and associations betray this portrayal of him.

Mr Douglass’s speech on 3 December 1860 in honor of John Brown is a case-in-point.  John Brown was one of the vilest Yankees (may God have mercy on his soul), determined to stir up a murderous slave revolt in the South.  He gave it his best shot at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859, a venture planned and funded by some of the most wealthy and influential men of the North (the Secret Six), but it failed:


On Sunday, October 16, 1859, Brown and his army shifted into action. They entered Harpers Ferry and captured several hostages, while a second group abducted Lewis Washington, a descendant of the American Cincinnatus, plundering his home for good measure. Among the family heirlooms stolen were a pistol that had been given to our first President by the Marquis de Lafayette and a dress sword given by Frederick the Great of Prussia. Brevet Colonel Robert E. Lee and Lieutenant J.E.B. Stuart were dispatched to Harpers Ferry, where, within less than 36 hours, Brown’s attempt at fomenting a mass slave insurrection was brought to its ignominious end. By the final assault, ten of Brown’s terrorists were killed, with another seven later arrested and executed. One Federal soldier was killed, as were six civilians, including Mayor Fontaine Beckham. Though John Brown did not accomplish his mission on that October day, the war that he had hoped to spark was little more than one year away.

One would expect Mr Douglass, if he were the sort of man shown in the Prager U videos, to have denounced this heinous act, but he did the opposite.  Here are his own words from 1860 praising John Brown and encouraging acts of violence and terror against Southerners:


From my heart of hearts I endorse the sentiment expressed by Mr. Phillips, of approval of all methods of proceeding against slavery, politics, religion, peace, war, Bible, Constitution, disunion, Union–(laughter)–every possible way known in opposition to slavery is my way. But the moral and social means of opposing slavery have had a greater prominence, during the last twenty-five years, than the way indicated by the celebration of this day–I mean the John Brown way. This is a recent way of opposing slavery; and I think, since it is in consequence of this peculiar mode of advocating the overthrow of slavery that we have had a mob in Boston today, it may be well for me to occupy the few moments I have in advocating John Brown’s way of accomplishing our object. (Applause.)


 . . . We must, as John Brown, Jr.–thank God that he lives and is with us to-night! (applause)–we must, as John Brown Jr., has taught us this evening, reach the slaveholder’s conscience through his fear of personal danger. We must make him feel that there is death in the air about him, that there is death in the pot before him, that there is death all around him. We must do this in some way. It can be done. . . . The negroes of the South must do this; they must make these slaveholders feel that there is something uncomfortable about slavery–must make them feel that it is not so pleasant, after all, to go to bed with bowie-knives, and revolvers, and pistols, as they must. This can be done, and will be done–(cheers)–yes, I say will be done. . . .


I say, sir, that I want the slaveholders to be made uncomfortable. Every slave that escapes helps to add to their discomfort. I rejoice in every uprising at the South. Although the men may be shot down, they may be butchered upon the spot, the blow tells, notwithstanding, and cannot but tell. Slaveholders sleep more uneasily than they used to. They are more careful to know that the doors are locked than they formerly were. They are more careful to know that their bowie-knives are sharp; they are more careful to know that their pistols are loaded. This element will play its part in the abolition of slavery. . . .


Something is said about the dissolution of the Union under Mr. Lincoln or under Mr. Buchanan. I am for dissolution of the Union–decidedly for dissolution of the Union! . . . In case of such a dissolution, I believe that men could be found at least as brave as Walker, and more skillful than any other fillibuster, who would venture into those States and raise the standard of liberty there, and have ten thousand and more hearts at the North beating in sympathy with them. I believe a Garibaldi would arise who would march into those States with a thousand men, and summon to his standard sixty thousand, if necessary, to accomplish the freedom of the slave. (Cheers.)


 . . . The only way to make the Fugitive Slave Law a dead letter, is to make a few dead slave-catchers. (Laughter and applause.) There is no need to kill them either–shoot them in the legs, and send them to the South living epistles of the free gospel preached here at the North. (Renewed laughter.)

And if Christianity still means anything to conservatives in the States, they might also want to know that Mr Douglass venerated two rather questionable German thinkers – Ludwig Feuerbach and David Strauss (busts of those two rested on his fireplace mantle).  About Feuerbach, it is said that he


was a German anthropologist and philosopher, best known for his book The Essence of Christianity, which provided a critique of Christianity that strongly influenced generations of later thinkers, including Charles Darwin, Karl Marx,[6] Sigmund Freud,[7] Friedrich Engels,[8] Mikhail Bakunin,[9] Richard Wagner,[10] and Friedrich Nietzsche.[11] An associate of Young Hegelian circles, Feuerbach advocated atheism and anthropological materialism.[1] Many of his philosophical writings offered a critical analysis of religion. His thought was influential in the development of historical materialism,[6] where he is often recognized as a bridge between Hegel and Marx.[12]

Strauss wasn’t any better:


Strauss's Das Leben Jesu, kritisch bearbeitet (The Life of Jesus, Critically Examined) was a sensation. While not denying that Jesus existed, Strauss did argue that the miracles in the New Testament were mythical additions with little basis in fact.[3][4][5] Carl August von Eschenmayer wrote a review in 1835 called "The Iscariotism of our days", a review which Strauss characterised as "the offspring of the legitimate marriage between theological ignorance and religious intolerance, blessed by a sleep-walking philosophy." The Earl of Shaftesbury called the 1846 translation by Marian Evans (George Eliot) "the most pestilential book ever vomited out of the jaws of hell."[6][7][8][9] When Strauss was elected to a chair of theology in the University of Zürich, the appointment provoked such a storm of controversy that the authorities decided to pension him before he began his duties and effigies of Strauss were burnt during Zurich's Shrove Tuesday festival.[10] Strauss donated the pension, 1000 Swiss Francs per year, to the poor.[11]

This isn’t the first time that Prager U has been dishonest about the past.  They have posted videos about slavery and its role in the misnamed Civil War and about Reconstruction that have also told some exceptionally grand whoppers.

For those who might think all this fussing about the past doesn’t amount to very much, they need to think again.  There is a direct line from Northern abolitionist thinking to modern insanities like homosexual marriage and trans rights.  Neil Kumar gets the ball rolling:


Religious apostasy combined with political fervor in the North to forge the new faith of militant abolitionism. New England was long a hotbed of heresy, as the grandchildren of the Puritans drifted into Unitarianism, denying the divinity of Jesus Christ and openly scorning the inerrancy of the Scripture, deconstructing the Word of God into tattered “mountains of footnotes, denials, and arguments.” Abolitionism infused with Unitarianism cloaked itself in the language of Christian rhetoric, in which slavery was rendered a “sin,” and Southerners incorrigible, unrepentant “sinners,” fit for nothing short of the fires of Hell.

Rod O’Barr adds important details:

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘My Kid Sister Just Died’


Art has a powerful effect on people, particularly those works that tell stories.  There are many who can recount how they literally wept when they finished reading a particular book, or watched the final episode of a long-running television series.  The characters in those narratives become part of our lives in some mysterious way, and we feel like we are losing something terribly important to us when we have to say Goodbye to them.

Having spent quite a few hours watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer in my younger years, it was a blow to learn that Michelle Trachtenberg has died at the young age of 39.  Buffy’s little sister became in a sense my little sister over the course of so many episodes.

This comes at an auspicious time.  Lent, the Great Fast, is nearly upon us.  This season of joyful sorrow is an opportunity for us to unite more closely to God and to show more love for our neighbor.  We should view it as a gift, not a punishment, and try to make the most of it.

Abbess Christophora of the Monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania, offers good advice on how to do that:

‘Mother speaks of prayer during Lent as an essential practice of stillness in our hectic world, recommending a personal connection with God through the Jesus prayer, meditation, and attending weekday Lenten services with their special hymns. Prayer should engage the whole body through prostrations and kneeling, fostering humility. Without prayer, Mother Christophora warns, “fasting is a dead end.”

‘She describes fasting as challenging yet transformative, changing “our body, our mind, our hearts.” Fasting was the first Divine commandment in Eden, she notes, emphasizing its spiritual significance. Mother discourages viewing fasting as optional, instead framing it as medicine prescribed by the Church. She also recommends communal fasting through shared church meals and notes that America’s abundance of produce makes fasting foods readily available.

‘In terms of almsgiving, Abbess Christophora redefines the term as sharing oneself rather than just money. Quoting Fr. Roman Braga, who used to say, “Salvation is easy—give somebody a piece of bread,” she emphasized simple acts of kindness over financial charity. In our isolated society, almsgiving might mean offering “a smile, a nod, a gentle hello.” Mother advocates for spontaneous kindness through visiting people, writing letters, or making calls—small actions that combat loneliness and express genuine compassion’ (‘Abbess Christophora offers talk on Lenten spiritual disciplines (+VIDEO)’,; to watch the Abbess’s talk, which runs about half an hour, follow this link to YouTube).

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Remembrances for March – 2025


Dear friends, if you have time, please pray for these members of the Southern family on the day they reposed.  Many thanks.

But one may ask:  ‘What good does it do to pray for the departed?’  An answer is offered here:

Along with prayers and hymns for the departed:

March 3rd

M. E. Bradford, one of the South’s best defenders in the latter half of the 20th hundredyear:

March 7th

Jean-Baptiste de Bienville

‘Canadian naval officer Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville, served as three-time governor of the French colony of Louisiana intermittently from 1702 to 1743. Bienville and his older brother, Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville, traveled on an expedition that arrived in Louisiana in 1699. Together they explored the lower Mississippi River valley and established a permanent French settlement in Louisiana, Fort Maurepas. Bienville proved particularly talented, though not always successful, as a negotiator with local Native Americans. In 1718, he chose the site where New Orleans, named for the French Duc d’Orléans, was built.’

March 13th

Elizabeth Madox Roberts, a gem of a writer from Kentucky:

March 19th

Rene-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle

‘French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle, is perhaps best known for giving the region and ultimately the state its name: Louisiana. In 1682, while searching for a water route to the Gulf of Mexico, La Salle—accompanied by a small group of European and Native American explorers—arrived at the point where the Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. There, he planted a post and claimed the river and its basin for France, naming the territory La Louisiane in honor of King Louis XIV. In so doing, La Salle helped set the stage for the next eighty years of French rule in the new colony.’

March 20th

Lewis Grizzard, one of the many good comedians Southern culture has produced:

March 24th

Frances Fisher Tiernan (Christian Reid, pen name) of North Carolina.  Another of the often-overlooked Southern authors.

March 25th

Philip Ludwell III.  ‘He was born in 1716 in Virginia. After completing his education at the College of William & Mary and marrying, he sailed to London in 1738 in order to be received into the Orthodox Church. One of the largest landowners in the colonies, he remained true to the ancient Christian faith till the end of his days and earned the esteem of his peers, including many of the Founding Fathers of the future United States of America.’  Interestingly, he reposed on the Feast Day of the Holy Annunciation.

March 27th

General Richard Gano, a good example of the kind of Christian soldier who fought for Dixie in the War with the Yanks:

March 28th

Margaret Junkin Preston, sister-in-law to Stonewall Jackson and a good poetess and novelist:

March 28th

Earl Scruggs.  ‘Earl Scruggs, once compared to violinist Niccolo Paganini, not only pioneered the three-finger banjo but played it to standards of taste and technique unmatched by thousands of disciples over seven decades. He was an important figure in the birth of the bluegrass genre, and also brought his artistry to the fields of country, folk, and rock, to college campuses, and to television and the movies.’

Also, to celebrate some of the saints of March from the South’s Christian inheritance of various lands, follow these links on over if you’d like:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘The Unbroken Line of New England Radicalism’


Prof. David Hackett Fischer gives an overview of the chief characteristics of New England’s ancestors, who hailed from the coastal southeastern counties of England, mainly East Anglia and Essex, in his praiseworthy book, Albion’s Seed.  Among them were an inclination toward industrial pursuits, urban living, equality, and rebelliousness against established authorities in religion and politics (Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America, New York, Ny., Oxford UP, 1989, pgs. 42-9).

It is remarkable how true New England has remained to that inner logos of hers as sketched by Prof. Fischer (and how insightful he was to see and describe it so well).  She remains as urban, industrial, and ocean-facing as ever, delving especially into new technologies like robotics.

But especially notable is her continuing revolution in the intertwining realms of politics and religion, particularly the institutions of marriage and family.  Prior to their departure from England to North America, Richard Hooker in the Preface to Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity (published in 1594) describes how the Puritans took multiple wives:  ‘These men, in whose mouths at the first sounded nothing but only mortification of the flesh, were come at the length to think they might lawfully have their six or seven wives apiece . . . .’

Polygamy would continue famously with Mormonism, dreamt up by New England’s Joseph Smith, who has an impeccable Massachusetts Puritan family pedigree on his father’s side.  But less famously known are the destroyers of the traditional Christian family who were part of the Yankee abolitionist circles.  One of the South’s best apologists, George Fitzhugh, draws attention to one of them in Cannibals All! (1857), a fellow by the name of Stephen Pearle Andrews who was in high standing with the Yankee elite of his day:

‘We wish to prove that the great movement in society, known under various names, as Communism, Socialism, Abolitionism, Red Republicanism and Black Republicanism, has one common object: the breaking up of all law and government, and the inauguration of anarchy, and that the destruction of the family is one of the means in which they all concur to attain a common end. We shall quote only from Stephen Pearle Andrews, because he is by far the ablest and best informed of American Socialists and Reformers, and because he cites facts and authorities to show that he presents truly the current thought and the general intention. Mr. Andrews is a Massachusetts gentleman, who has lived at the South. He has been an Abolition Lecturer. He is the disciple of Warren, who is the disciple of Owen of Lanark and New Harmony. Owen and Warren are Socrates and Plato, and he is the Great Stygarite, as far surpassing them, as Aristotle surpassed Socrates and Plato. But it is not merely his theories on which we rely; he cites historical facts that show that the tendency and terminus of all abolition is to the sovereignty of the individual, the breaking up of families, and no-government. He delivered a series of lectures to the elite of New York on this subject, which met with approbation, and from which we shall quote. He established, or aided to establish, Free Love Villages, and headed a Free Love Saloon in the city of New York, patronized and approved by the "Higher classes." He is indubitably the philosopher and true exponent of Northern Abolitionism’ (pgs. 287-8).

Mr. Fitzhugh quotes at length from Mr. Andrews’s Science of Society, and a couple of passages about marriage stand out:

‘Every variety of conscience, and every variety of deportment in reference to this precise subject of love is already tolerated among us. At one extreme of the scale stand the Shakers, who abjure the connection of the sexes altogether. At the other extremity stands the association of Perfectionists, at Oneida, who hold and practice, and justify by the Scriptures, as a religious dogma, what they denominate complex marriage, or the freedom of love. We have, in this State, stringent laws against adultery and fornication; but laws of that sort fall powerless, in America, before the all-pervading sentiment of Protestantism, which vindicates the freedom of conscience to all persons and in all things, provided the consequences fall upon the parties themselves. Hence the Oneida Perfectionists live undisturbed and respected, in the heart of the State of New York, and in the face of the world; and the civil government, true to the Democratic principle, which is only the same principle in another application, is little anxious to interfere with this breach of its own ordinances, so long as they cast none the consequences of their conduct upon those who do not consent to bear them.

‘ . . . In general, however, Government still interferes with the marriage and parental relations. Democracy in America has always proceeded with due reference the prudential motto, festina lente. In France, at the time of the first Revolution, Democracy rushed with the explosive force of escapement from centuries of compression, point blank to the bull's eye of its final destiny, from which it recoiled with such force that the stupid world has dreamed, for half a century, that the vita principle of Democracy was dead. As a logical sequence from Democratic principle, the legal obligation of marriage was sundered, and the Sovereignty of the Individual above the institution was vindicated’ (pgs. 291-2).

What Mr. Andrews’s says in his book in 1851 about disassociating people from the normative male and female dichotomy of the sexes and the redefinition of marriage foreshadow what would follow in New England in the decades to come.  These seeds were slow to germinate, but now that they have, they have borne multiple harvests of radicalism in quick succession – unsurprisingly in Massachusetts, the birthplace of Puritan Yankeedom:

In 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that same-sex couples had a ‘right’ to marry.

In 2023, the City Council of Somerville, Mass., ‘unanimously approved an antidiscrimination ordinance to protect people in polyamorous and other consensually nonmonogamous relationships.’

Now, in 2024, the Massachusetts Legislature is moving quickly to approve the use of human surrogates and other techniques to allow LGBT people to ‘build families’:

‘State representatives unanimously passed a bill on Wednesday they said would update Massachusetts law to better reflect the diverse ways people build families.

The bill lays out clear paths to establishing legal parentage for families that have children through assisted reproduction, like surrogacy and in-vitro fertilization.’

Somerville again proves her radical bona fides with the statement of her representative, Christine Barber, that this legislation will help tear down ‘barriers to reproductive justice’ that other States are fiendishly erecting.

What will New England radicalism give birth to next?  One shudders to think, considering the foregoing.  And, indeed, we may already have an answer with the new attempt to generate sympathy for ‘minor-attracted persons.’  The North American Man/Boy Love Association began in Boston, after all.

This is a tragedy for New England.  They have been given a gift by God, zealousness or enthusiasm, but they use it to accomplish evil ends that grieve God and harm themselves and others.

What a dishonor to their ancestors!  Among their ancient kinfolk in Old England were holy men and women, who used this gift of zeal as it should be used – to love God and their neighbor.

St. Botolph, the monastic founder of Ikenho (+680) for whom Boston is named (a contraction of ‘Botolph’s Town or Stone’), banished evil spirits and diffused the Grace of God throughout southeast England and even beyond that region:

‘In Iken St. Botolph struggled much against the demons who dwelled in that area in great numbers and vexed him continually. By the power of the sign of the cross and through his austere ascetic life the venerable man vanquished them and drove them away from the area.

‘Abbot Botolph gathered around him many brethren, instructed them in the spiritual life and became famous as a wise and learned mentor. Everybody saw a loving and caring father in him. He himself cultivated the land in Iken and thanks to his labours the formerly swampy soil around Iken became very fertile. Already during his life, St. Botolph was loved all over England for his holy life, wisdom, miracles of healing, prophecies and for driving out evil spirits. He was a good example for his spiritual children in all things. According to his life, “All loved Botolph: he always was humble, modest, friendly and mild in communication, proved the truth of his sermons by example of his life… He taught his monks the rules of Christian perfection and the decrees of the Church Fathers. He thanked God both in good and sorrowful times alike, knowing that He makes everything for the good of those who love Him”. The saint excelled in extreme mercy, poverty and kindness.’

Especially in the latter words, we see what a contrast there is between the Christian spirit of St. Botolph and the unmerciful, mercenary, and unkind New England Yankees.

The life of St. Etheldreda (Audrey), foundress of the monastery of Ely (+679), is similar.  Her family’s life is a rebuke to the Yankee impiety towards the traditional Christian family and towards traditional Christian statecraft of governors:

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, February 21, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘Mainstreaming the Demonic: Megami Tensei’s Un-Orthodox Programming’


The Megami Tensei video game series has been a popular one over the decades.  Since its first appearance on the NES in 1987 (released on 9-11, no less), it has surpassed 19 million units in sales.  A spin-off series, Persona, has sold another 15 million units as of 2021.  Another entry in the MT series is releasing in 2024, which makes this an ideal time to explore the messaging that is at the heart of such a popular video game series.

The root of the MT series is a Japanese science fiction trilogy of novels written by Aya Nishitani.  Those who have looked more deeply into science fiction will recall that there is a heavy element of predictive programming within it:

Researcher Michael Hoffman defines “predictive programming” as follows: “Predictive programming works by means of the propagation of the illusion of an infallibly accurate vision of how the world is going to look in the future” (205). Through the circulation of science “fiction” literature, the ignorant masses are provided with semiotic intimations of coming events. Within such literary works are narrative paradigms that are politically and socially expedient to the power elite. Thus, when the future unfolds as planned, it assumes the paradigmatic character of the “fiction” that foretold it.

This being the case, it is all the more urgent to understand what gamers are being exposed to in the MT series.  Right from the start, in the first game in the series released in 1987, he is immersed in a deeply demonic storyline, one that has a great deal of relevance for us today – the use of technology to summon demons:  ‘The plot sees Akemi Nakajima, a clever high school student who is the reincarnation of the deity Izanagi, develop a computer program which summons demons from the realm of demons. Initially using his program to gain revenge on his tormentors, the program goes out of control and he unleashes a horde of demons.’

Rod Dreher wrote recently about the real-world exploration of using technology to communicate with demons:

In one of the book’s later chapters, Pasulka profiles a woman she calls “Simone,” a top investor in Artificial Intelligence and other tech fields. One thing that might startle you (it did me) in coming to the UFO and related fields is that most of those involved in it at a high level do not believe these are beings from other planets. Rather, they believe that these are some kind of discarnate superior intelligences from another dimension. I mentioned this in London this week to an investor from California, who said yes, everybody he knows in Silicon Valley thinks that, and some even hold rituals to summon these intelligences.


Simone believes that AI is one way that these entities are opening up to communicate with us — and she’s excited about it. . . .


The “he” is a top figure in this field, a guy Pasulka has called “Tyler D.,” but who has been identified elsewhere on the Internet as Tim Taylor. “Tyler D.” claims to be able to “download” information from these beings — information that has led to the creation of new biotechnologies. If Tim Taylor really is Tyler D., then yes, the former NASA star has become rich as head of an innovative biotech firm. . . .


Last week, I sent Dr. Pasulka some interview questions about Encounters. In them, I posed a query about Simone’s view, and described AI as a “high-tech Ouija board.” Dr. Pasulka said she hadn’t thought about it that way, but yes, that’s pretty much what Simone (and many others in that field) are talking about: that AI is a vector that allows for the exchange of information with discarnate higher beings.

More than three decades after raising the subject, the ‘fiction’ of MT is now revealed as reality by the scientific elite.

A similar theme emerges in the 1990 entry of the series – using a nuclear blast to open a portal between our world and the realm of demons:  ‘The story is set in "20XX", 35 years after a nuclear apocalypse which devastates the world and permanently opens a portal to the demon world of Atziluth.

And once again, a leading scientist, years later (2009), confirms that his kind are interested in using destructive acts to peak into other dimensions or allow something from them to come into ours:

A top boffin at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) says that the titanic machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or "unknown unknowns" - for instance "an extra dimension".


"Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it," said Sergio Bertolucci, who is Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN, briefing reporters including the Reg at CERN HQ earlier this week.


The LHC, built inside a 27-km circular subterranean tunnel deep beneath the Franco-Swiss border outside Geneva, functions like a sort of orbital motorway for extremely high-speed hadrons - typically either protons or lead ions.


The differences are, firstly, that the streams of particles are moving at velocities within a whisker of light speed - such that each stream has as much energy in it as a normal car going at 1000mph. Secondly, the beams are arranged in such fashion that the two streams swerve through one another occasionally, which naturally results in huge numbers of incredibly violent head-on collisions.

The possibility of a ‘nuclear apocalypse’ between the West and Russia and/or China, because of Western interference in the Ukraine and Taiwan, is also closer than ever.

Another idea presented in the MT series is demonic attacks on people inhabiting the cyberworld of virtual reality (Shin Megami Tensei: Nine, 2002 release date):

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!