Friday, February 7, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘God Is the Best Judge’


Who will judge the rightness of Prophet Moses

Who rejected the riches of Pharoah’s court

To wander forty years in the wilderness

And die alone outside the Promised Land?


Or the choice of the Apostles, James, John,

Andrew, Peter, who left their fishing nets,

And Matthew his office of tax collector,

To follow the Christ, Who had no place to lay His Head?


Shall the imperious, impersonal marketplace,

Which stamps a value upon beans and bread,

Weigh the worth of a man’s soul and its acts?


By what rule shall we measure the martyrs’ glory?

They whose beauty was broken on torture wheels,

Whose youth was crushed out beneath stones and steel,

Whose old age was honored with the scorching flame?


Shall the professional neo-gladiators

Show them the prototype of a great man?

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Why Protestants Should Read Orthodox Theology


Protestants can quickly get themselves in a muddle when discussing the mystery of God’s existence.  A good case-in-point is today’s (5 Feb. 2025) broadcast of American Family Radio’s Exploring the Word with Misters Harper and McFarland.  A feller from Texas called in wondering about how to reconcile the statement in Holy Scripture that no one has even seen God with the historical fact of the God-man Jesus Christ’s presence on earth.

As sola Scriptura Protestants will do, they threw around some Bible verses and stated their own personal opinions and interpretations, but the whole thing was left a bit of a jumble.

It is precisely here that the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church would be of help to the Texan and to the hosts and to the others who are confused about the nature of the Holy Trinity.  There is a basic notion in Orthodox theology that brings clarity to this discussion, the essence-energies distinction in God.  It is essentially this:  God is unknown to us in His essence, but He is known to us in His energies, in which we are even called to participate.  Sts Basil the Great, Maximus the Confessor, and Gregory Palamas, amongst others, have spoken in some detail about this.

A passage from Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos will give the inquirer a place to begin on this subject:


One of the most basic teachings of St. Gregory Palamas is that of the essence and energy of God. To be sure, this did not originate with St. Gregory but is the teaching of the entire Orthodox Tradition, for the Apostolic Fathers referred to the subject of the distinction between essence and energy in God, and we see it again in the teaching of St. Basil the Great. Basil the Great was looking at this subject in relation to the heresy of the Eunomians.


St. Gregory laid great emphasis on the uncreatedness of the divine essence and the uncreatedness of God’s energy (activity). The word ‘uncreated’, is applied to God. God is uncreated, He has not been created, but is before all the ages. There is no beginning in God. Man and the entire creation were created by God, and are therefore created. Hence the uncreated is identified with the divine.


According to Barlaam, to whom St. Gregory Palamas is referring, only God’s essence is uncreated, but not His energy as well. According to the saint, he who regards only the essence as created, "but not also his eternal energies", is going against the Holy Fathers of the Church.


At this point St. Gregory Palamas is using a passage from St. Maximos the Confessor about the works of God saying that some of them "began to be in time" and others "did not begin to be in time". The former include the immortal, the living, and so forth, and the latter include immortality, life, that is to say the uncreated and eternal energies of God. Moreover, here the uncreated energies of God are characterised as eternal, for the eternal is beyond time and duration. And what is beyond time and duration is divine, uncreated.


This passage of St. Maximos the Confessor is the following: "All immortal things and immortality itself, all living things and life itself, all holy things and holiness itself, all good things and goodness itself, all blessings and blessedness itself, all beings and being itself are manifestly works of God. Some began to be in time, for they have not always existed. Others did not begin to be in time, for goodness, blessedness, holiness and immortality have always existed".


It is clear, then, that goodness, blessedness, holiness and immortality are energies of God, which are eternal and uncreated. There is a difference between the uncreated energy of God and the things created. Goodness is an uncreated energy of God, but the good things are created. Life is the uncreated energy of God, but the living are created things, effects of the uncreated energy.


According to another passage from St. Maximos the Confessor which St. Gregory quotes, goodness, life, immortality, simplicity, immutability and infinity, and in general whatever "contemplative vision perceives as substantively appertaining to God are works of God and did not begin to be in time". So then, God’s uncreated energies, which proceed from His essence, are without beginning, of course without thereby impairing God’s supranatural and incomprehensible simplicity and His triadic unity, which alone is intrinsically without beginning.


Therefore God’s energies are without beginning, eternal and uncreated. And, as God’s essence is divine, so are His energies as well. This is important for orthodox theology. For if we regard God’s energies as created, then we make it impossible for man to be deified. That is to say, if God communicates with the world through created energies, then we can attain union and communion with God only through created energies, which makes salvation impossible. God then remains entirely unknown to man, or if we commune with the essence of God, then the difference between created and uncreated is lost.

Because of the essence-energies distinction, it is possible for mankind to see God:  He does not remain hidden in His essence.

And because that is so, we are led to another essential part of Orthodox theology that is also relevant:  the holy icons.  The Second Person of the Holy Trinity really did become man, really did unite His divinity with fallen humanity, really did communicate His energies to mankind, which all Orthodox Christians strive to acquire in their fulness through the Holy Mysteries, prayer, almsgiving, prostrations, etc.  This reality of God in the Flesh means that we may also paint His image, He Who has been seen with human eyes, as the Orthodox have done since the time of the Holy Apostles (St Luke the Apostle and Evangelist was the first to write holy icons).

The holy icon of Christ is thus a formidable weapon against the doubts sown by the devil about the existence of the Lord Jesus Christ, His divine-human nature, and His dwelling here in the earth with men.  He has appeared, and men have seen Him, ‘full of Grace and Truth,’ and the icons of the Lord Jesus are a testimony of those truths (for further discussion of icons and their significance, try this page and this one).

(Source of icon of the Lord Jesus Christ)

Those Protestants who want to know more fully the God they proclaim ought to seek out the wisdom of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church, those precious vessels of the Holy Ghost:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Offsite Post: ‘What Dixie Can Learn from Niger’


[u]S foreign relations continue to be a dumpster fire around the world, which is causing many countries to rethink their ties with the DC FedGov.  This should be both a rebuke and spur for the South – a rebuke, for most of our people seem content to remain united to the DC ‘sewer,’ as Dr Wilson put it recently; a spur, to separate from that corrupt capital.

Niger, a country in north-central Africa (capital city – Niamey), is one of the latest to tell the Yankee Empire to hit the road.  Prime Minister Zeine’s discussion of why they have done so reveals typical Yankee smugness at work:

Niger’s decision to scrap military ties with the US was in response to threats made by American officials during negotiations, the West African nation’s prime minister, Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine, said in an interview published by the Washington Post on Tuesday.


Zeine repeated allegations that a senior US delegation, including Molly Phee – the State Department’s top official for African affairs – who was in Niamey in March to negotiate the renewal of a decade-old defense agreement, attempted to dictate which countries should be Niger’s partners.


During the meeting, Phee warned the Sahel state against engaging with Iran and Russia at levels that were unacceptable to Washington if it wanted to maintain the US as a security partner, according to the Nigerien prime minister.


Phee also threatened sanctions if Niger pursued a deal to sell uranium to Iran, he reportedly added.

The threats didn’t sit well with the Nigeriens, who responded with a mixture of politeness and frankness that any Southerner would approve of:

“When she finished, I said, Madame, I am going to summarize in two points what you have said. First, you have come here to threaten us in our country. That is unacceptable. And you have come here to tell us with whom we can have relationships, which is also unacceptable. And you have done it all with a condescending tone and a lack of respect,” Zeine said.


Niamey’s military government canceled its security agreement, which had allowed 1,000 US soldiers and civilian contractors to operate in Niger, in mid-March, just days after the encounter with the American delegation.

And, echoing the Declaration of Independence, he denounces the Empire’s quartering of troops in Niger while at the same time allowing lawless men to run about without hindrance:

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Remembrances for February - 2025


Dear friends, if you have time, please pray for these members of the Southern family on the day they reposed.  Many thanks.

But one may ask:  ‘What good does it do to pray for the departed?’  An answer is offered here:

Along with prayers and hymns for the departed:

1 Feb.

Cmdr Matthew Fontaine Maury.  A pioneer in sciences of the sea:  ‘Honored all over the world as the founder of a new science, Maury was the first man to describe the Gulf Stream and to mark sea routes across the Atlantic Ocean. He instituted the system of deep-sea sounding and suggested the laying of transoceanic telegraph cables, which later became a reality. His work earned him the nickname “Pathfinder of the Seas.”’

4 Feb.

Jean Laffite.  Brother of Pierre Laffite, he was the ‘respectable’ business manager of the two pirate brothers of Barataria Bay, Louisiana.  He and Pierre are well-known for their role in the Battle of New Orleans and other acts of mischief.  Quintessential lovable rogues.  New Orleans’s Grace King gives details of their life:*.html

11 Feb.

Charles Gayarré.  ‘New Orleans native Charles Gayarré wrote the first complete history of Louisiana: a four-volume series entitled Louisiana History (1866). Originally written in French, his study focused on the region’s domination by France, Spain, and then the United States. Many of the components for this work came out of public lectures that Gayarré began giving in the 1840s. He also wrote and published other histories, political tracts, government reports, plays, novels, biographies, and articles in numerous journals, establishing himself as one of Louisiana’s literary pioneers.’

13 Feb.

Bishop William Green.  He oversaw the building of 41 churches in his diocese in Mississippi during the years of his pastoral ministry, and later became the chancellor of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tenn., which he founded.

13 Feb.

Lt Gen Charles Pitman, Sr.  A uS Marine in New Orleans who helped end a shooting rampage by a Black Panther sympathizer in 1973 by taking a helicopter up without official approval.  Not a native-born Dixian, but ne’ertheless a good ensample of the fighting Southern spirit and of old-fashioned Southern leadership and guts who helped Dixie in her time of need.

14 Feb.

Alcée Fortier.  ‘Fortier published numerous works on language, literature, Louisiana history, folklore, Louisiana Créole languages, and personal reminiscence. His perspective was valuable because of his French Créole ancestry and he became the first historian to apply the folklore concept to Louisiana's cultural traditions.’

15 Feb.

Oscar Adams, Jr.  A sharp lawyer and judge in Alabama.  He was the first black man to serve on Alabama’s Supreme Court.

24 Feb.

Nicola Marschall, born in Prussia, he made his way to Alabama.  He was a successful painter and designed both the first Confederate flag and the Confederate soldier’s uniform.  He also served as a soldier in the War.

27 Feb.

General Francis Marion (Swamp Fox), the wily South Carolinian who caused much grief for the British in the War for Independence.

William Gilmore Simms’s biography of Marion is available to read here:

28 Feb.

Abel Upshur, one of Virginia’s many talented and well-respected sons.  He died young in a naval accident while serving as Secretary of State in 1844.  He wrote an important refutation of Justice Joseph Story’s theory that the united States are one, inseparable nation.  It is A Brief Enquiry, linked here along with another of his works:

More about Sec Upshur is at these pages:

Also, to celebrate some of the saints of February from the South’s Christian inheritance of various lands, follow these links on over if you’d like:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!