Friday, March 29, 2024

Remembrances for April - 2024

Before we get to the Southerners of the past whom we normally honor and pray for, we must take a moment to pray for those Southrons who died in the Nashville Christian school shooting in 2023 on March 27th.  Here are their names:








The addition of the shooter is not an accident.  St Silouan the Athonite (+1938), echoing our Lord, stresses that one who does not love his enemies does not have true love for God, has not acquired the Grace of the Holy Ghost, and will not find peace:

May God grant all of them forgiveness of sins and rest where the righteous repose.


Dear friends, if you have time, please pray for these members of the Southern family on the day they reposed.  Many thanks.

But one may ask:  ‘What good does it do to pray for the departed?’  An answer is offered here:

Along with prayers and hymns for the departed:

April 1st

Ellis Marsalis, Jr

One of New Orleans’s great jazz musicians.

April 2nd

Gen A. P. (Ambrose Powell) Hill

Amongst the best generals serving under Lee.  Both Jackson and Lee called upon him as they stepped into the life beyond death.

April 3rd

Richard Weaver

Perhaps the greatest defender of Southern ways to be born in Dixie.

April 6th

Gen Albert Sidney Johnston

One of Dixie’s leaders during the War, killed at the Battle of Shiloh.

April 7th

Judge Jackson

He helped the Southern folk-art of shape-note singing to blossom.

April 9th

Appomattox Day

If you have time, please pray for the South on April 9th, Appomattox Day, the beginning of our sojourn in captivity.  Do some fasting as well if you can:  The Holy Fathers tell us and show us over and over again that humility attracts the Grace of God.

April 11th

Caroline Gordon

One of the South’s best writers of novels and short stories.

April 11th

Gen Wade Hampton III

A fine calvary officer in the War; he was chosen to succeed JEB Stuart as the leader of that department after he was killed in battle.  After the war he served his State of South Carolina in political office.  A more dedicated man to the cause of Southern independence would be hard to find.

April 12th

Gen Richard Taylor

He lived and fought in Louisiana before and during the turbulent War years and was buried there after he died.,%20Richard/Taylor,Richard.shtml

April 13th

Col Edmund Rucker

A leader under General Forrest in the War; lost his left arm at the Battle of Nashville.  After the war, he led the industrial development of Birmingham, Al.

April 22nd

Fr Abram Ryan

An eloquent poet and priest beloved of people across the South.

April 22nd

Alabama Confederate Memorial Day

April 25th

Donald Davidson

Another outstanding 20th century defender of the South and an excellent writer of poems, non-fiction prose, and ballads.

April 26th

Don Andrés Almonaster

A wealthy Spanish civil servant who lived in New Orleans during Spanish rule of Louisiana.  He gave very generously to rebuild the city after the Great Fire of 1788.  Two of his notable benefactions are what would become Charity Hospital and the St Louis Cathedral in which he is buried.

April 26th

Florida Confederate Memorial Day

April 28th

Jack Hinson

A family man in Tennessee trying to stay neutral in the War.  When Yankees murdered two of his sons in cold blood and mutilated their corpses, he became one of their deadliest enemies as a sniper.

April 29th

Mississippi Confederate Memorial Day

Also, to celebrate some of the saints of April from the South’s Christian inheritance of various lands, follow these links on over:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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