Friday, October 4, 2024

Offsite Post: ‘Cowardice Is Not a Virtue’


For a lot of conservative folks, Glenn Youngkin of Virginia became a possible candidate for the US presidency in the future by his improbable gubernatorial win in Democrat-trending Virginia.  They need to scratch him off their list after his total desecration of marriage, however.  On March 8th, he signed into law – willingly, voluntarily – HB174, which provides,


Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:


1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding a section numbered 20-13.2 as follows:


§20-13.2. Marriage lawful regardless of sex, gender, or race of parties.


No person authorized by §20-14 to issue a marriage license shall deny the issuance of such license to two parties contemplating a lawful marriage on the basis of the sex, gender, or race of such parties. Such lawful marriages shall be recognized in the Commonwealth regardless of the sex, gender, or race of the parties.


Religious organizations and members of the clergy acting in their religious capacity shall have the right to refuse to perform any marriage.

How long the limitation of marriage to ‘two parties’ will last, and the tolerance of clergy to refuse to conduct these new-style same-sex and trans marriages, remains to be seen.  When the polyamorists, etc., begin belly-aching about discrimination, violation of rights, and all the rest of it, probably not too long a time.  But that is an issue for another time.

What is important here is that Governor Youngkin had an opportunity to make a decisive stand for traditional Christian marriage and refused to do so.  History will not remember him kindly.  For cowardice in the face of evil is not praiseworthy.  Boldness and courage, on the other hand, certainly are.

A good example of the latter is Prince Alois of little Liechtenstein, who put his popularity (and with it, his rule) on the line by opposing a referendum to legalize abortion:

 . . .

The rest is at


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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