Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Ukraine and the South

Ukrainians of the east and southeast of that country (Novorossiya, New Russia) opposed to the American/E.U.-imposed Nazi regime in Kiev have adopted the symbols and songs of Ol’ Dixie in their stand against those invaders.

As they have learned from us, we ought also, in our turn, to see ƿhat we can learn from them.  Father Matthew Raphael Johnson posted again not long ago a recording (originally from 2009) about Ukraine’s resistance to the satanic New World Order that is worth a Souðron’s time. 

The themes of national solidarity through faith and struggle, of a true diversity of countries without an all-powerful Empire ruling over them, of an agrarian basis for society, and more besides, are very needful for the South and for all peoples to hear and heed today.

Here are two poems from the Ukrainian writer and artist Taras Shevchenko that will give one a sense of the strong desire for freedom and of the love of their native land that holds among them (and that ought to be amongst other peoples as well).

‘The Girl under a Spell’

The wide Dnipro roars and moans,
An angry wind howls aloft.
It bends the tall willows down,
Lifting waves as high as mountains.
And at that time a pale moon
Peeks out from behind a cloud now and then,
Like a tiny boat in a deep blue sea
It jumps up and dives down.
The cocks had yet to crow three times,
No one anywhere making a sound,
The owls in the grove called to each other,
And the ash tree creaked now and then.

‘My Testament’

When I die, bury me
On a grave mound
Amid the wide-wide steppe
In my beloved Ukraine,
In a place from where the wide-tilled fields
And the Dnipro and its steep banks
Can be seen and
Its roaring rapids heard.
When it carries off
The enemy’s blood from Ukraine
To the deep blue sea… I’ll leave
The tilled fields and mountains—
I’ll leave everything behind and ascend
To pray to God
Himself… but till then
I don’t know God.
Bury me and arise, break your chains
And sprinkle your freedom
With the enemy’s evil blood.
And don’t forget to remember me
In the great family,
In a family new and free,
With a kind and quiet word.

Source:  Ukrainian Literature, http://www.shevchenko.org/Ukr_Lit/Vol01/01-04.html, posted 2004, accessed 16 April 2015

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