Friday, July 31, 2020

The Federal Supreme Court vs Nevada and California Christians

A lot of folks are riled up about the federal Supreme Court’s refusing to come to the aid of the Christians in California and Nevada who are unable to worship freely because of the dictates of the governors of those States.  Such folks usually base their arguments for US Supreme Court relief on the 1st Amendment to the federal charter.  But we must remember at whom that Amendment was directed:  Congress shall make no law . . .’  The 1st Amendment does not apply to States, but to the US Congress.  Even with the passage of the 14th Amendment, there was not meant to be any imposition of federal 1st Amendment religious rules placed upon the States.  See p. 633 and following in Vincent Munoz, The Original Meaning of the Establishment Clause and the Impossibility of Its Incorporation, available at .  This is proved all the more by the continuance in State constitutions of protections for religious liberty. 


The free exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship without discrimination or preference shall forever be allowed in this State . . . .

--Article 1, Section 4,


Free exercise and enjoyment of religion without discrimination or preference are guaranteed.

--Article I, Section 4,

If the 1st and 14th Amendments were meant to apply to the States, why have these sections in State constitutions at all?  Because the former do not apply to the States.

We do not like these dictates from State governors, mayors, and so on banning religious services, church singing, Holy Communion, etc., either.  They are quite evil.  But the way to overcome them does not lie in the federal courts.  It lies in our States, counties, parishes, cities, towns, and neighborhoods.  We have thought of the federal government as a panacea for all of our troubles for too long.  We must, as they say, think locally and act locally.  We must rebuild institutions at the State and local level that will offer protection from these sorts of gross abuses of Christians.  The oligarchs that the federal constitution has empowered (and was meant to empower) will not be coming to our aid any time soon.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Where Did All the Flu Deaths Go?

It appears that the CDC has been counting flu deaths as COVID deaths.  One ensample (more are provided in the article linked below):

--Adan Salazar,

More reasons to doubt the official death toll numbers . . .


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

Woke Southern Baptists to Real History: ‘Drop dead.’

Will Dismukes was very recently forced to resign as a Southern Baptist pastor after celebrating the birthday of the ‘racist’ Nathan Bedford Forrest:

Once again, a complete lack of historical understanding is behind this hysteria.  Gen Forrest did not hate black folks.  Far from it:

Let me close with some details about General Nathan Bedford Forrest taken from The Memphis Daily Appeal—Saturday, August 8, 1868.  Meeting of the Conservative Club of Colored Men of the Fourth Ward at Stillman Hall.

“Loud calls were made for Gen. Forrest, who appeared and made a forcible address, informing the colored men who were their best friends, and of the designs of the Radicals to plunge the country into a war of races.  He informed them that the Southern man was the true friend of the black race, and if the scalawags got them into trouble the black man would have to do the fighting, while the scalawag ran away, as usual.  He advised them not to be seduced into joining Loyal Leagues, or other secret societies, but to go to work and become industrious, and vote the Democratic ticket.  When the white people become free, through the aid of the colored man, then, all would be at peace, and the Conservative man would protect them in all their rights.  He would protect them, and every honest Southern man would do likewise.  Gen. Forrest spoke about an hour, and was loudly applauded.”

--Barbara Marthal,

Forrest was buried with his wife in Memphis’ Elmwood Cemetery. His funeral procession stretched for three miles and was attended by 20,000 mourners, 3,000 to 6,000 of whom were black.

--James R. Roesch,

This last essay is particularly helpful at dispelling myths about Gen Forrest, the Klan, etc.

Unfortunately, the tsunami of woke outrage rolling in to destroy Southern culture looks like it is still rising, and now so great an artist as Miss Flannery O’Connor is not safe even at a Catholic university:

There is a safe religious haven, however, for those Southerners who care about protecting and preserving their history and heroes from the insanity at work in both the Protestant and Roman Catholic camps:  The Orthodox Church.  She is not afraid of honoring the Southerner’s history and traditions, as this video produced by the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad amply proves:

Let Dixie find her shelter there.


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!