The “coming persecution of Christians” has already begun. It is already here. So why is the mainstream media in the United States almost totally silent about this phenomenon? When some politician somewhere around the globe inadvertently offends homosexuals or Muslims, it instantly makes headline news.
But very few Americans are even aware that it has been estimated that 100 million Christians are currently facing persecution and thatapproximately 100,000 Christians die for their faith each year. As you are about to see, Christians all over the world are being burned alive, beheaded, crucified, tortured to death and imprisoned in metal shipping containers just because of what they believe. This persecution goes on year after year and it is steadily intensifying. But the governments of the western world and the mainstream media are almost entirely ignoring what is happening.
The information shared below is extremely graphic. Some of the websites that normally run my articles may want to think twice before posting this one. The reason why I have included such graphic information is because I believe that it is very important to accurately communicate what is truly going on out there. People need to know the reality of the holocaust that is happening. The following are short excerpts from news stories about incidents of Christian persecution that took place in 12 different countries around the planet. Sadly, the vast majority of Americans have never even heard about any of these stories…
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[One example out of twelve: - W.G.]
#8 Angry Mob Of About 1,000 People Destroys A Church And Beats Christians In India: Shouting religious slogans, a mob estimated at 1,000 people has destroyed a Christian church under construction in northern India , according to a report received from church leaders in the region. The attack occurred Sunday.
With the building demolished, the mob began to beat the pastor, his mother and church members, who were able to flee and went into hiding for the night. The extent of their injuries is not known.
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For the moment, things like this are not happening in the United States . But you would have to be extremely naive to think that it never could happen here.
Animosity toward Christians is rapidly rising in this country. Anyone that spends much time cruising around the Internet can see that very clearly. In fact, some bloggers recently suggested the castration and murder of Christians here in the United States .
It might seem easy to dismiss those remarks as the ramblings of a few deranged individuals, but the truth is that our own government is now labeling Christians as “extremists” and “potential terrorists“. For a large number of examples of this phenomenon, please see my previous article entitled “72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered ‘Potential Terrorists’ In Official Government Documents“.
All over the planet, the persecution of Christians is growing. And our own government is now demonizing us and characterizing us as a “threat”.
The years ahead are going to be very challenging for those who choose to be Christians. If you are a Christian, I hope that you are getting emotionally and spiritually prepared for that.
Source: Michael Snyder, American Dream web site via,, accessed 11 Dec. 2013.
If this is all happening under the watchful eye of the Most (Self) Righteous Nation on Earth, the American Empire, and perhaps will soon begin within that very Empire, to whom can Christians turn for help? To Russia .
Our Russian Orthodox Faith, our ideal of Rus, is our international response to globalisation. No other part of the Orthodox Church is large enough or strong enough or free enough to resist the tide of globalisation and provide such a response. Other parts of the Church are responsible for only one nationality; there is no Orthodox response to globalisation other than Rus. No other part of the Orthodox world has been crucified for the sins of the world and for faithfulness to Universal Orthodoxy as have we. This is why Rus is the meaning of world history and world destiny, the key to salvation in the last times.
This is why we who have come out of the White Cause continue to further the process of healing inside Russia , the independence of the Church from State interference and from secularist, Western ideologies, and seek the continuing canonisation of all the New Martyrs and Confessors, led by the martyred Royal House. The Church inside Russia is Lazarus, the miracle of the Resurrection, the Four-Day Dead, dressed in Soviet rags, but still the Friend of Christ. Now together we make ready and pray and hope and wait for the restoration of legitimate authority in Rus, the Orthodox Tsar restored by the Sovereign Mother of God.
Source: Fr Andrew Phillips,, accessed 11 Dec. 2013.
The [Russian] Empire stood above and united East and West; it was universal, which is why our own salvation is in her salvation.
Source: Fr Andrew Phillips,, accessed 11 Dec. 2013.
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