Friday, July 19, 2013

'Flight of the Eagle' by Conrad Black

Whenever Rush Limbaugh endorses a book recounting American history, one ought to be on his guard.  The case of Conrad Black's new book Flight of the Eagle: The Grand Strategies That Brought America from Colonial Dependence to World Leadership is no different. 

In it one sees all the markings of a book devoted to the religion of America worship.  Such section headings as 'The Predestined People' and 'The Indispensable Country' show right away that Mr Black is a disciple of the New England Puritans, who saw it as their God-given mission to make the world anew, to bring perfection to imperfection (ironically forgetting that they too were imperfect).

Furthermore, Mr Black's comments in a C-SPAN Book TV interview about the South as, in essence, a 'problem' that had to be 'overcome' so that America could achieve her full flourishing belie the violent tendencies at the heart of abstract political ideologies.  As in revolutionary France, Russia, China, etc., no differences, no variety, are permissible; 'be my brother, or I'll kill you'.  So much for the rights of others, including Southern Americans.

Perhaps even more grave are the names associated with this book.  Henry Kissinger, one of the leaders in the movement seeking a unified global government, wrote the introduction.  And Mr Black dedicated the book to an apologist for some of the vilest actions in American history - Ann Coulter, who, e.g., loves the idea of slaughtering Muslims and forcing others to convert to Christianity (which is the antithesis of Christianity), and who praises Truman for his unnecessary bombing of Japan with atomic weapons to end WWII - as well as Regime insiders like Miguel Estrada.

While Mr Black is to be commended for some things, like criticizing the high imprisonment rate in America, his book overall appears to be little more than propaganda for the continued crusading throughout all lands and all peoples of the American Empire.

For a better reading of American history, one might look instead to Prof M. E. Bradford:

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