Tuesday, April 5, 2022

‘Christian Europe’


Christian Europe is not William,

The Norman Conqueror, sent by the Pope

To murder, desecrate, and subjugate

Byzantine England.


Christian Europe is not the Hundred Years War

That raged between France and England off and on

Until Joan of Arc appeared, freed Orléans,

And Charles the 7th crowned.


Christian Europe is not the nightmare of the Somme,

Tanks and trenches and poison gas, thousands

Upon thousand dead for a small advance

Into German lines.


Christian Europe is a little Orthodox monk

Named Saint Valéry, who shunned fame and praise

Like sin, who spent his time in prayer

And preaching, reading holy books,

And working for the poor.


Make haste, Western man, to remember who you are.



An account of the life of St Valéry (+622) is here:


For some history of the Somme region where St Valéry lived and labored for Christ:




Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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