Friday, October 28, 2022

uS Military/Intelligence Is Weaponizing Religion in the Ukraine


A tactic used many times by the federal government of ‘Christian America’ to undermine enemies from within:

Russia's security establishment exposes US creation of, and support for, destructive religious groups, with the intention of destabilizing Ukrainian society and undermining Ukraine's historic religion, Orthodox Christianity.


Most important points in the article:


- The growth of these cults is a deliberate strategy orchestrated from Washington, i.e., the CIA.


- A goal of this strategy is to weaken Orthodox Christianity, Ukraine's traditional and historic faith which it shares with Russia.


- There are hundreds of these neo-pagan sects in Ukraine, many of them specifically engineered to create a small group of tightly controlled radicals who would do the bidding of their 'owners', often Ukrainian tycoons or political leaders.


- Adherents to these sects and cults dominate the Ukrainian political and business elite, especially the military, which calls into question their ability to behave rationally, or with any sense of ethics.


- The author calls for adding 'De-satanization' of Ukraine to Russian war goals, coining a phrase which will undoubtedly become a regular part of political rhetoric in Russia.


 . . .

Read it all on this web page:


Holy Ælfred the Great, King of England, South Patron, pray for us sinners at the Souð, unworthy though we are!

Anathema to the Union!

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